Lovestones is created by Stacey Mathews and based out of Whistler, BC. Founded initially as a creative outlet and natural way to calm and deal with her severe and chronic anxiety, Lovestones has grown to be an outlet that combines all of her passions - art, geology, environmentalism, alternative healing, sustainability, exploring nature, snowboarding, photography, and contributing to the community.

Working at Rocks and Gems Canada, The Oracle, The Pemberton Farmers Market, and now currently Regional Recycling over the last 4 years since moving to Whistler, Stacey has gotten a chance to work closely with her passions and use this education and experience to propel her own brand, Lovestones. 

Currently meeting, learning, and working with local geologists, rock hounds, entrepreneurs, healers, and artists - Stacey works closely with the outdoors and her local community across the Sea to Sky, constantly striving to source her own rocks, incorporate adventures into photo shoots, use natural biodegradable and/or upcycled material, and collaborate with other artists. All of this is combined to create one-of-a kind, natural, wearable art, using a consistently growing variety of techniques and art forms, and driven by the ideology of unconditional love for others and the environment.  

Photo By Tobias Van Deen

Featured on the cover of local Whistler newspaper, The Pique, in early summer 2017 - the 2 page spread feature was released one day prior to Stacey's first farmers market

See article here: